Friday, August 8, 2008

My flights are booked!

Kristabella? Annemarie? And anyone else who cares...

My flights are booked. The 3rd Un-Annual Un-MOS drinks, aka the Inaugural Top Gear Australia drinks are on.

I arrive in Melbourne at 10.15am on Friday 7/11 and depart at 12.15pm on Sunday 9/11.


Now we need to seriously decide on t-shirts. No, Annemarie, don't worry - the Stig thing isn't a joke to be played on someone who isn't Aussie born-and-bred. It's a mysterious thing, the Stig... who is it? Why is he? How did he become such a Top Gear icon?

And how the hell do you get a job as a mystery-driver anyway???

Oh, never mind all that... I'm going to Melbourne, nah nah nah nah nah nah.


Annemarie of Holland said...

COOL! We can even crawl to the airport together the next morning! I thought it was fantastic you were even going to TRY and come to Melbourne, and now it's a deal! Thanks for making the effort and going through the trouble!

As for t-shirts: I've got one with an elk (as in: moss) on it and the word "Finland". Will that do..? If not, we'll come up with something just as spectacularly stupid, no doubt, what with my, your, KT's and Benny's talent in that area combined...

So see ya in November! GREAT!

Malibu Stacey said...

Annemarie? I might be drunk (okay, I'm REEEEALLY drunk but it's all my mothers fault), but what do elk & moss have in common? You've lost me. I'm confused.

OMG, I'm so excited! It's like the first Un-MOS drinks. You know what this means? I'm going to have put another countdown thingy on the blog. Sorry.

Woo-hoo! I'm going to Melbourne, kid-free, to meet up with KT & Annemarie, and we're going to get tattoos of the Top Gear Australia logo on our butts. (Alright, settle down... it's a joke. But I'm not saying I won't get a tattoo while I'm there. It just won't be the TGA logo.)

I SO cannot wait. Do we need to discuss accommodation? Are you crashing in the motel with KT & me, Annemarie? I have to warn you though... KT has a bad habit of going to sleep in the middle of a sentence.

OMG, OMG, OMG. I'm hanging out for 7-9 November.

Okay, that's enough shrieking like a 12 year old. I'm going to calm down. I will now concentrate on the death-defying flight from Mudgee to Sydney. Insert shuddering here.

aczeel is the word. Hmm. Simple to touch-type, vaguely Aztec-ish, I think the deity of the day is with me... ah, to hell with that... I'M GOING TO MELBOURNE!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Elk eat moss, ya three-year old. Thazzwhy.

The tattoo thing sounds like a great idea; if you know a reliable tattooist then I'm coming with you! I really want another one, although not on my butt (I need 'm where I can see 'm), and getting one in Oz should make it really special, for me anyway.

I doubt whether I'll end up in the motel with you, as I need to arrange the trip to the airport the next day for me dad and his lady, but I have no problems crawling to where they're staying straight from za pub. But hey, we'll see.

Again, GREAT that you're gonna be there. Now let's be really nice to Benny for a few weeks until such time as he will have made arrangements for joining the nofficial inaugural TGOZ-celebrations. Benny? Bunny? Babybuttock?

And have you been able to blackmail Corby into joining us, or are you working on it still?

kristabella said...

Oh FFS. This site is the worst in the world. I don't have half the problem on Single Mum with and Opinion but trying to post a really witty and informative comment here has just GONE! Argh (again!!)

Anyhoo - AM - Stace and I will have very fancy inner city digs in Melb for pre-drink drinks and Benny is welcome then and later to sleep on the other half of my bed (purely platonic) cos Melb is damn expensive...Carn benny - we'll be in the city so chucking in for the room will save loads of cab fares on your behalf..

Oh I hope I can post otherwise AM I'll see you at Single Mums cos at least even anonymous works there. And can't wait to chat with you to find out how you post to these sites without the hassles I have! xkt

kristabella said...

Oh shiit - soon as I bag it so much it decides to work..?

Malibu Stacey said...

Nah, I don't think Corby can make it. He'd love to, but being in Melbourne makes it tricky. (He'll probably be jaunting around Germany or Sweden or the Mohave Desert or something, anyway.)

We'd better send him some pics of the night, though, just to prove that the Inaugural Top Gear Groupies drinks actually happened.

Elk eat moss? There ya go. You learn something new everyday.

Oh dear. I'm thinking the tattoo thing could turn into a definite plan. I've been planning another one for a while, just never had the time or opportunity to get it done.

Anyway, gotta fly - I've ordered I Am Legend on Box Office, and the first 10 minutes are up (which I watched before the kids were in bed), and now I need to snuggle up on the lounge, with all lights blazing because I'm a scaredy-cat and I suspect there could be lots of suspenseful moments.

PS: I guess it's time I investigated other blog sites. This one does suck. And since the official TGA site doesn't seem to be happening soon, we'll have to hang around somewhere.

PPS (thanx, Benny): Hope y'all have bid on Freebay!

The word is apddsh. Gesundheit.

Anon said...

Benny? Bunny? Babybuttock?>>>> lollllllllll and Tatts?? Grrrr and looks like im up sydney same weekend, just cant win!!!!!