Sunday, June 22, 2008

Message from the Corbster, part III

I have barely had time to scratch my butt recently, I've had one day off since I started, just got back from five days in Germany, where I drank a river and ate a pig, or two, then went out of town for three days of driving and taking pictures. Mainly taking pictures, or watching someone else do so.

All this makes me wonder who is putting the magazine out. The first one was finished a week ago and it's so frustrating having to wait so long for the finished product, and to see it on sale. We're halfway through producing the next one, or we should be. Um. Yes. Hence my lack of time for blogging or reading of any kind, but I'm glad to see there's blogging going on here. Fabulous stuff. Must go, will write more exciting news soon.

Malibu says: while trying to find a picture to go with this blog (which was obviously unsuccessful), I learnt that German traffic lights give you a warning when they are about to turn green, by having the amber light up while the red is still on. Do they really? How cool is that? Gives you time to whack your manual into first gear, or in some cases safely recap your lipstick. Kinda like a Christmas tree at the drags, ain't it?


VB Misser said...

Oooh! Just went on to see if I could subscribe yet and lo! the mag exists - the front cover of the first issue is even pictured. And first edition comes with free T-shirt saying "Seriously Uncool". Shiny red car on cover, alas sharing space with Jeremy Clarkson. Why why why? Surely whole point of an Australian Top Gear is to get away from him? If we wanted Clarkson we'd be subscribing to UK version. I will not be happy til Corby's photo is on the front cover.

Anon said...

ohh not long now!! Does one have to subscribe or can we just wander into the newsagents for the mag? I've not been to the drags or any derbies for years n years!! Memories..

Annemarie of Holland said...

True fact, the one about the traffic lights in Germany. They do that in Finland as well, and I'm sure in a bunch of other European nations. I find it a rather old-age pensioner thing, really. I mean, in the not-so-vintage cars most of us are forced to drive, you really don't develop the patience for the yellow light - you just want green, and you want it fast, and you want to steam off like a toy balloon with a needle it its behind.

Although it solves the lipstick dilemma, as you correctly point out. But nah, not for me, the yellow light. They're only good for putting your foot down so that you don't have to stop for red.

Ben said...

Hello MR COrby!
Who here reckons Ms Stacey (darlpossumlove) sweetie, looks 'a bit' like Jodie Foster. Be honest now.
If you agrre, tell us which bit.

kristabella said...

benny you are a clown. Ooops sorry - ben. Ha I guess I'll get used to it. Give up the Jodie Foster thing tho - Malibu looks nothing like her and only has two kids, both of which are too well brought up to be giving people the finger.

Malibus 39.95th was great - when it winds up at 5.30am you know age is no barrier.. Happy days.

Glad you're alive and well Corby. Now I just hope the verification gods are on my side..

Annemarie of Holland said...

So the 39.95 thing was this weekend - that's right! Many happy returns, Malibaby, although I can't find that expression in my dictionary so I'm not sure anymore what I'm wishing you here. A long and happy rest-of-life, anyway! The party must have been great, given the fact that we haven't read much of you for days now...

But ah, 't was so good to see Herr Corby has found his way back to this blog, along with ze lovely Kristabella. And Benny! Of course, you petlovegorgeoushoneybunny! Oooh, aaah!

Just typing up useluss stuff to avoid having to face the word verification "word", which looks really scary. Okay, deep breath, bold as brass, think of Benny, here we go!

Ben said...

Annemarie, your the best(except Malibu sweetpossumlove of course). I love a women with lots of energy. Do you have a headache today though??!

ps. Where's Mr Corby when you need him? Was of course one word or two? I forget.
[No animals were harmed in the making of this post].

Annemarie of Holland said...

Bennybunny, reading back I reach the conclusion that we're quickly turning into The Eel and his virtual mistress, who we seem to have lost for good. Not sure if the others will appreciate that...

No, no headache, I don't do those. Not a lot, anyway. And "of course" is two words, of course. "Off course" is too, which is the way we are drifting faster than you can say "Brigitte". But aaah, at least it's the safest sex conceivable, with some 20.000 km and 8 time zones between us!

The word to be verified looks suspiciously legible. Allow me to grab a coffee to correct that, and read you later!

kristabella said...

Ha Malibu your blog is taking off. I've got past the the verification bizzo and even tho I'm sure my name was KT kristabella will do.

annemarie you crack me up. How could you become brigitte? To benny as eel?? Oh the mind boggles..

Mudgee rose rocks. (rose as the drink without the option of a "'" in the right place.)

What was the topic.. ?

Oh I dunno if I'm ever going to post this. Malibu we gotta work out a more user frindly site.

kristabella said...

While I think I'm in to post I'll add that's obviously meant to be "friendly".

That took many tries so I'm pleased I'm making progress and realise the verification gods are angry.

Mate if you get up to 20 clicks a week I'll sort out an easy blog place thru work. Deal? Oh farkit I'll start asking around tomorrow. x

Annemarie of Holland said...

At 38 degrees centigrade in the shade, KT, and sitting around in not much else but a bikini top and the shortest pants possible, it's not so much Benny who turns me into Brigitte but the association with beer, lots of cold, lovely beer in a pearly frozen glass that Benny's name for some inexplicable (no really...) reason evokes. Although I sincerely hope he's done with the crate of light stuff, because I only do real, hard, studly masculine beer. With some decent froth on top etc. Aaw stop it.

The other good news is, KT, that if you make useluss contributions to this blog regularly, the thingy stops asking for your identity, so that all you have to do is drink enough to see the letters in a straight line and then go for it! It's worked for me, anyway...

VB Misser said...

What an outrage! Despite being in contact with magshop for aaages about my subscription to Top Gear, now it turns out that if you subscribe, the first issue you get isn't until August!!! ACP must be going mad. I am now in a huff.

Ben said...

Annemarie, did you say I make you think of beer? Oh stop, you're too kind, some might even say you're all darl.
You have given me an idea for my upcoming homebrew beer though. Maybe I'll call it, 'Extra Benny'. Ya know, 'with 33% extra hops, to get you really pissed'.

Are you still really hot over there? What's the good local drop?

Ben said...

vb misser, did you tell them you know the editor? Do I remember correctly, you're in England, no?
I'd be happy to post you a copy next week if you like, if it's really that important?

VB Misser said...

Hey Benny - you are turning so so nice and sweet in this here post-MOS era! Lovely of you about offer to post, but have already sorted out someone to do the same. If they fail in their task, shall come back whingeing again here and will take you up on offer! But just a bummer they're handling subscriptions so poorly - I want it to be a hit.
Yep, your memory is correct: I'm in England. Where it is warm and light til 10.30pm, tra la and joy...

Hey, in burst of sentimentality brought on by new Eel/Brigitte relationship blooming so beautifully here, just googled to see what they are up to. They are reduced to flirting on an NRL blog. Ha!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Yes Benny, you do make me think of beer, lots of it. Or else it's Malibu's Fabulous Front Page Design that makes me feel better, or possibly the atMOSpheric re-entry of VB - anything that reminds me of a cold beer will do in these circumstances!

And for eel' times' sake, Benny: yes, I'm still really hot over here, although better dressed than yesterday, as the central heating engineer dropped by today, and Italians don't deel - sorry, deal - well with blondes in bikini tops. Now that he's gone though, I'm contemplating putting on something more benny, sorry, bunnylike, such as a wristwatch and not much else. It's too early to start drinking, and I have to work still.

Speaking of drinking: whatever happened to the lovely Malibu? Haven't seen her around for a week now. Surely turning forty can't be THAT bad? Or can it be that GOOD?!

kristabella said...

No this thing sucks. I'd previously written something about Annemarie saying my comments were useless which is actually quite fine being accurate cos why the hell write something insightful or funny if the verification gods are going to just shit in your face....

Last try..

kristabella said...

Oooh now it's worked and subsequently lost for words.

Yes where are you Malibu?

Annemarie of Holland said...

O dear, KT, don't read me wrong here! I didn't mean to say YOUR comments were useless! We have previously come to the conclusion that the word verification thing works in such a way that if you see the letters in a perfectly straight line, you're too drunk to make a meaningful contribution to this blog! We also concluded that meaningful contributions were the last thing we needed on here, whereas any USELESS contribution would be more than welcome. Of course, in order to provide the blog with useless comments, you have to be drunk enough to see the word verification thing clearly, while at the same time your drunken state would guarantee a sufficient degree of uselessness. This was to encourage Benny to contribute. (It worked, too!)

Anyway, I have no idea if any of this was coherent (probably not), but again, the term "useless" in no way referred to your comments, KT! What I meant to say there is that the blog brain stops asking you to choose an identity if you contribute regularly, and just picks the same username again and again after a while. If you use the same computer, that is.

Phew, hope that's cleared up now. Other than that, I join the choir once again: where are ya, Malibaby?