Thursday, June 5, 2008


... maybe he didn't say that, but I can believe that he would, in a whole fake-humility/modesty-type fashion. Don't ya reckon?

But now it's late enough (and I'm drunk enough) to use one of my favourite sayings: the best revenge is a fabulous life. It is my earnest belief that the Corbster is now embarking on the fabulous life part of it. He's paid his dues. Now comes his time in the sun... what's the Footloose quote? (Duke? What's the Footloose quote??? Quick!) Something about a time to sew and a time to reap and all that happy crap.

Now is Stephens time to reap what he has sown (sp? Too drunk to remember, sorry.). I firmly believe that Top Gear Australia will take off like a freakin' rocket. There is an untapped market of people who enjoy the whole revhead thing, but find most car mags too technical and boring. Surely I'm not the only chick who has a thing for cars, but doesn't need to know how many fractions of inches the cylinders need to be bored for optimum performance. (And surely I'm not the only person who is annoyed by a stock standard vehicle, with a fully sick [makes me wanna vomit] whatever-the-hell-they-call-it-mega-expensive-sound-system-these-days, mate. That is not a car. That is a stereo on wheels. Impress me with what's under the bonnet, the sound of it, the quarter-mile stats, the rumble through your feet, not with how many bloody blocks away the bass can be heard! Hmph.)

Remember Ike? Ages ago, on the dearly-departed MOS, she confessed that she isn't a revhead at all but she enjoyed watching Top Gear. This is the market, and it is ripe for the picking.

Stephen & I have disagreed about cars on MOS: I like old, unwieldy, expensive-to-maintain-and-drive cars (says she, the driver of - gulp - a Hyundai). He's not an old car fan. But y'all know how well he writes.

If there is a god, then Top Gear Australia will kick arse, take names, and break records. (Father Dave? Do you have a direct line?)


ddeebb said...

I am going to hold a launching party for Stephen's Magazine. It sounds like a good idea to me....good food, lots of booze and a decent magazine. Yep let's all party!!! I don't know if I will watch the show though, I only ever watched one full episode....the episode with Patrick Stewart...sigh...
I do see bits now and again but I will buy the mag just so I can see how Corbster writes when he is not writing about stuff for us!!!

On another matter, has anyone else realised that the DT has gone down hill blog wise since Stephen's page was removed? It is so boring now!!

Ah well time to go to work....

Till next time

VB Misser said...


DragonLass said...

Finally! After an hour of searching for corby's name on google, I find out what happened! I miss the blog already.

Good for him though, good to see all his hard work has paid off.

ddeebb said...

Yes, vb misser, Patrick Stewart. I have a thing for his voice and the line "make it so"!!! Star Trek TNG was my all time favourite show, and I own all the novels. (Of course, that was many years ago...)Patrick Stewart is the only actor who I would watch absolutely anything to see. He's also quite good on stage too.

I never really understood the fascination people have with Brad Piit, and David Beckham but. I do understand the fascination people have with Brett Lee, though, I watch the cricket all the time when he is playing!!!

Till next time

Ben said...

Hi Malibu. Want to see a picture of my bare arse?

Malibu Stacey said...

Yuk. No thanx.

Annemarie of Holland said...

Oh come on, Malibu, give the poor guy (Benny) a chance to express himself artistically before a worldwide audience.

Unless Benny is really Garth Montetcetera, in which case the picture of his face on his DT blog will do (do the fine job of showing us his bare arse, that is).

Hi Bens, good to see you joined us!

Ben said...

Hi girls, just trying to liven things up a bit round here. Truth is I don't even have a photo of my naked butt, not a recent one anyway.

Anon said...

Ohhh you DO actually have a pic of your butt Benny? Tsk Tsk etc etc (Malibu, quick send Benny my email) haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Annemarie of Holland said...

Well Benny, things have definitely livened up since your arrival...

Anyway, ddeebb, I agree with you on the worldwide Pitt/Beckham fascination: I can't for the life of me find them attractive. They're okay in the midriff area, sure, but from the shoulders upward they look just weird. Not to mention the helpless yelping Beckham emits north of his shoulders.

Jesus, look at me, blogging about blimmin' celebs! For Pete's sake liven things up Benny, quickly!

Ben said...

I asked the RTA to take a photo of my butt for y'all today, when I got my licence renewed. But they insisted they only do faces.
Will have to wait till I get my own camera fixed. . . . . .

Annemarie of Holland said...

Damn, I hate bureaucracy...