Monday, June 16, 2008


... yeah, I know, I've been slack. But I'm just not inspired. I pray every day to find a car photo I can whack on here that hasn't been seen 1000 times already. I've blackbanned the Tele so can't trawl their site for nasty things to say about Montymort. The SMH site is so dull I fall asleep surfing it, and I can't bring myself to check out their car section.

I played netball on Saturday so couldn't even TYPE for most of the weekend. (Limited injuries, thanx for asking - skinned knees, grazed palms, bruised and lumpy elbow, and suspiciously sore left wrist, which is the wrist I broke last time I played netball... in 1988. But I cannot still wait for the next game this Saturday.)

And I think I'm getting that late-pregnancy feeling. It's so excitingly close, but still so frustratingly far. (No, I'm not pregnant, it's an analogy, alright? Immaculate conception has already been done. Apparently.)

This time in 2 weeks, I'll be devouring the first issue of Top Gear. Finally. I've got a big weekend coming up (netball, plus celebrating my 19th anniversary of turning 21), the following weekend I've promised Drano can have a friend over for the weekend (god help me), so I can devote the weekend after that to major anticipation of the newsagent opening on Monday morning.

Cannot. Wait.


ddeebb said...

Hey Malibu I got a great email the other day that said

I am not forty...I am 39.95 plus shipping and handling!

Can't wait either....

Ben said...

Ok so Malibu, love, I'm trying to read between the lines here, which is hard with all those flourescent bottles int he way. R u looking for a root? Or maybe another kid?

Can't help with either, bit busy lately, although I was impressed with your photo. You've got a kind of Jodie Foster thing going on, not how I imagined you at all. . .. You should hang out at your local more often!

So where's my Valiant photo? I expect it didn't make the grade.

Malibu Stacey said...

Benny. Pet. (You called me love, I'm allowed to call you pet in retaliation.)

WTF are you talking about? I'm not looking for a root or another kid. The last root I had was tragic, and I've got my hands full coping with the kids I've got now, I don't need another one.

Impressed with my photo? What photo? Jodie Foster? Huh???

Benny. Step back from the bong. Step away. Take a deeeeep breath. You can do it.

Ben said...

I havent smoked dope since October last year. What are YOU talkin 'bout?
Hey where i everybody? Is it just you and me here now?
Did you get a cold shiver just then??!

Anon said...

Shaking head and laughing.... You just never know what someone is going to come out with LOL

Malibu Stacey said...

So, Benny, explain the Jodie Foster comment. And what photo? In real life I look more like Jabba the Hut than Jodie Foster, FFS.

(BTW, I watched that movie, what's it called, The Brave One the other night... awesome. Loved it.)

I demand an explanation, Benny. Photo? Jodie?

And you may or may not have noticed that your Val DID make the grade. Pet.

Thankfully Anon & Ddeebb are here to chaperone/witness/sign-stat-decs!

Ben said...

Malibu, sweetheart, I just presumed that earlier photo of children and redhead woman giving the finger was you? Or was THAT Jodie Foster?
I don't think we'll be needing a chaperone.

Annemarie of Holland said...

Benny, take a long, hard look at the word verification thing. Can you see a neat bunch of letters in a perfectly straight line? Yes? Great! Keep on blogging then! 'Cos that means you're too drunk to make a meaningful contribution, and meaningful contributions are the LAST thing we want on this blog!

Pet. Love. You too, Malibaby! Have a happy 39.95th birthday, already, in case I forget when the actual day has come.

Now let me see if I can do the word verification thing. Right now it looks like an aboriginal place-name on a road sign eaten by crocs ("Ndnnunaa"), so I guess I'm all right.

Ben said...

Annemarie of Holland, hello gorgeous!
Thanks so much for clearing up the word verification thing for me. Truth is some dill gave me a case of light beer and I've been trying to use them up all night. Word verification looks like, hokuspokus, ok here goes. . . .

Annemarie of Holland said...

LIGHT beer, Benny, petlovegorgeous?! I thought real men didn't inhale that stuff as a matter of principle? Although if you drink the entire case at once, you might end up seeing the word verification thing in a straight line anyway. If only out of pure nausea.

Weird concept, the word verification thing. By any dictionary's standard, those are not words, they're a bunch of letters.

Thanks for the Valiant pic. Have you managed to arrange a photographer for the butt-project?

Malibu Stacey said...

I'm too drunk & stressed to make much sense of anything, but as a pedantic wordfreak, I love the explanation of the word verification thing.

I'm a fanatical spellchecker. I worship words. I would do Shakespeare in heartbeat (unlike David Beckham). And it never clicked in my head that 'word verification' doesn't involve words!

Annemarie? I bow at your feet. You rock. :) (How is life in Italy at the moment, anyway?)

PS: my word is... illegible. xvwkdno? Maybe? I'll submit, and see how I go.

UPDATE: didn't work. Now I'll try bobafphu. FFS!

Annemarie of Holland said...

I know, I know! Pedantic is not the word for our sort, we're unique, we're the last of the Mohicans in a virtual world full of bad spellers (aka those who don't give a bad word about how they write what they write), we're, ehm, okay, pathetic perhaps.
But I prefer pathetic and pedantic over spelling mistakes. And my personal favourite is word play, and visible eloquence. Whyyathink I kept coming back to MOS? And not just because of our Sunday Male's contribution, either: so many of you have fantastic ways with words - and spell them correctly, too! You don't see that a lot on ze net these days.

Italy is hot, finally. It's been raining so much the last couple of months I thought I was living in Holland again! Anyway, there's no better place on earth for the Dutch to be right now, as the Italians are eternally grateful to the Dutch for mercilessly kicking the Rumanians' asses in the European Champs (soccer), so that Italy could reach the quarter finals (the little hairy people would have been kicked out if Rumania had won).

Speaking of asses: Benny, umm? Where's yours? You could get into the Valiant and moon us, if you're shy...