Monday, July 14, 2008

Feeling obliged, but uninspired, so here's Grapes & Drano.

... so... here we are. Halfway through the wait til issue 2. I've read issue 1 to tatters. My subscription doesn't kick in until issue 3 apparently, so I have to endure the excuse-for-customer-service at Mudgee Newsagents again next month. God help me.

Um. What else can I say... Casey Stoner won! And he rides for Duke, Duke! Does he have the potential to become the next Doohan? Discuss.

Watched Brit Top Gear tonight. LMAO at the test where they drove pieces of crap over cobblestones @ 30 miles an hour with a colander full of eggs suspended over their heads. And drove the cars FILLED WITH WATER (as in the cabin filled with water, snorkels & all) to see who got the furthest. (Or furtherest. Or longest distance from the start line. Whatever. It's been too many years since 3 Unit English, sorry.)

Oh, and didn't the handbrake-test-on-the-hill kill me. The Hamster leaping out of his car before it screamed backwards down the hill was funny. Clarkson just trying to get his car to the start line was hilarious. Not terribly environmentally-friendly, but hilarious anyway. I can understand why he rubs people the wrong way, but I like him. He'd be a great father-in-law. Or father. And I'll bet he would be a legendary grandfather. I can just imagine him turning to jelly at the sight of his grandkids, suddenly becoming all soft and pushover-ish.

Nothing else exciting to report. My baby turned 7 yesterday. Yes, the short, fat, bald one in the photo is now a tall, lean, smart-arsed primary-schooler. Sigh. He was too fat and too lazy to learn to walk, so he used to bounce on his knees to get where he wanted to go. Truly. He'd hop on his knees! He had callouses on his knees & the tops of his feet! And he used to eat dried cat food whenever I turned my back. Bugger of a kid. Insert very satisfied maternal smile here.

Okay, back on topic... when is the TGA wesbite going to be up and running?

Oh, that's something I meant to say. Had a bit of a deep & meaningful, reflective evening last night, and went back through the comments on previous posts. I'd missed a LOT! So, thanx (again) for the birthday wishes, and good to hear from ddeebb, Anon, Annemarie, and y'all. Yeah. Alright. I'll admit it... it's even nice to hear from you, Benny!

And something else has occurred to me. It's 2 years since I found MOS. It was either July or August 2006 when I first commented there. In case y'all didn't notice, I became a tad addicted very quickly. I remember getting excited when the comments hit double figures. I wish Dave of Greifswald (sp?) and Miss Pat were still around to reminisce with me. And Beer Baron. I think we were almost the only commenters back then.

And then I remember getting VERY excited when the comments started hitting triple figures. Who'd have known that lil ole MOS would have led to TGA, eh?

And for my MOS-addiction, I must thank Dakota de Brito. I first discovered news bloggers & commenting on his page. And then, after gushing all over me (after I made a joke about Rove McManus that quickly became tasteless), he had the hide & audacity to call me an attention-seeker! Can you believe it? Shy, retiring, sweet Malibu. Hmph. So I searched for another blog that would understand my innocent, gentle, ladylike ways. (I can't even type that with a straight face.) And I found MOS. And now... here we are.

Happy anniversary, MOS. Though you are now deceased, I will forever treasure the memories that you & I share. Not to mention the fabulous life-long friend and honorary god-mother to my children that I met through you.

(And I will forever thank Mr Corby for exercising restraint about immediately publishing comments that were submitted, drunkenly, late at night. Imagine if my mother had read that! EEEK!)


ddeebb said...

Hi Malibu

God it is cold here!!! -5, -8 and the wind chill is coming off the snow!!!

In regards to rugrats of all types, mine are 13, 30, 33 respectively...the joys of second marriages I guess! I even have three beautiful grandsons who live far enough away to be the delight of my (rapidly approaching!!) 40 years!!

Can't wait for Stephen to get the web page up and running...we will all have to do our bit to get his hit numbers up into the hundreds!!! Or given the popularity of topgear maybe even the thousands!

Well got to go to work...I am hoping my boss will give me next week off (you know, for good behaviour!) so I can sit around and do nothing for a bit.

Till next time...

PS Just changed internet service providers so if I disappear for a bit or come back with a slightly different's still me ok?

Malibu Stacey said...

Hey, Ddeebb, I'm glad you could get a comment on here. Apparently KT tried for hours last night, and was ultimately unsuccessful. I must admit, this site does shit me at times. It's oh-so-easy to start a blog, but not so easy to rely on it staying connected to publish something you've just laboured over for hours.

Ha. You just had me madly counting on my fingers. 'She has a 33 year old child? 33? Isn't she younger than me?' Ah, the step-children thing, now I geddit.

Want some good news? I've just realised that we are halfway through winter. YAY! Bring on the sarongs, thongs, and vodka-with-Schweppes-Old-Fashioned-lemonades!

I've got to go to work too, but I have to deliver some bad news to my boss (that the $500 software package he was bullied into buying won't do what he needs it to do). So I'm delaying.