Thursday, July 3, 2008

Well, hasn't it been a big week, boys & girls?

I love good car photography. I'd forgotten how much, but TGA brought it all back to me. I enjoyed the reading, too. Haven't read all of it yet, I'm doling it out to myself to make it last longer. I'm even enjoying the ads. Weird.

I'm going to give the first issue, um... 7.5 outta 10, leaning towards 8 outta 10. I'm looking forward to a bit more Aussie content, but on the whole, considering its fledgling status, I'm impressed.

Annemarie, can you please email me at so I can forward your address to Ben? It could be worth your while... I hear there might be a copy of Top Gear involved. Hmm.

Oh, and thanx for the birthday wishes. My 40th rocked, and being 40 rocks, and life is pretty damned good right now. (And many thanx to KT for coming a hell of a long way to spend a drunken weekend with an old chick - surprisingly we still have 3 pubs not crossed off the pub crawl list.)


Ben said...

Happy birthday you old hag!

MOS said...

Geez, 7.5 out of 10? I work my ass to the butt bones for 7.5? Well, my excuse is I was only there for the last two weeks of the production cycle, and, obviously, I would never have let that emoticon on tthe cover if I had total control. But what the hell, I'm working on it. And I can promise you the second issue has more MOS flavour, because I wrote half of it. We've also got some great, crazy ideas in that issue, which we have to finish by next Thursday. Ah, the fun.
I've been enjoying doing radio interviews to plug the mag. I'm big in Launceston, and Ipswich, and some tiny, tiny town called Adelaide. No requests from the big city centres thus far, sadly, but FM radio hosts are hilarious no matter where they are.
I swear they pump their studios full of nitrous oxide every morning because they will laugh, uproariously, at anything.
And the whole thing is one hell of a free kick:
"So, Top Gear's great, you're great, wow, great, it's great, is your magazine great, I bet it's great, tell us how great it is. No, wait until we laugh uproariously at nothing, then tell us."
I've also enjoyed the emails they send me with pictures of newsagents that have done big old Top Gear displays, I think we must be bribing them.
Good news is, after one week, we have 1000 subscribers already. And they can't all be Malibu and VB Misser.
Woo hoo.
I will go now, and work on getting better than 7.5 next time.


KT said...

Hey Corby - I bought your mag yesterday and have to say it's too much car for me. It's going straight to my apparently feral HDT loving bro and he's also getting a subscription (with free t-shirt) for his b'day.

Good pic though. Hey you might get a gig on the UK TG if James and the Hamster bail...


Malibu Stacey said...

Thanx, Benny - I don't feel old at all. I feel 10 times more fabulous than I did at 39. Seriously. Life is better than great.

Stephen! You posted a comment all by yourself? Your login finally worked? This HAS been a week of monumental events for you, hasn't it?

Hang on, I said '7.5 leaning towards 8', didn't I? Let's say... 7.76.

And I'm looking forward to more of your work next issue. I liked the Catherine Zeta-Jones thing. Having a bit of trouble getting the peeled-penis-gearknob thing outta my head, though. Ugh.

So, now that you're a proper celebrity getting interviewed an'all, I guess you'll soon be doing one of those death-defyingly-dull question & answer blogs with Montymort?

Ben said...

G'day Mr STephen, I can't believe you still have the time to comment here. I mean, I know we're kind of your fan club, but now you've hit the big time and all . . . .

I bought first edition Top Gear mag late last week, although I havn't had any spare quality time to actually read it. I did read the cover in detail though, in search of said emoticon. And I flicked and scanned the rest of it, mostly flicked.
My immediate impression was that you've got hold of an FHM mag template and applied it to a motoring magazine. So I can see why the Malibu lass gave the mag 7.5 from a possible 10. Don't get me wrong, I havn't even read it yet, but you could think of me as similar to a prospective punter at the newsagent, except I just bought it without looking at it first coz I almost know you!

My Dad runs a newsagency in little Adelaide, has done for decades, so when I was a youngun he would bring home mags for me to look at carefully, and return before the month was up. I grew up on a diet of Modern Motor and Wheels. But my favourite was Sports Car International. I think that's what killed Dad's borrowing system, because I'd usually hang on to those, and pay for them sometimes.
Ahhh, Sports Car International, the equivalent of porn to the motoring magazine afficionado.
To this day, I still hide my old copies of SCI (circa 1991) under copies of Penthouse, incase a female should find them and declare them disallowed.

Annemarie of Holland said...

Well lo and behold, atMOSpheric reentry of the corbonaut himself in the missers' universe! Great that you still take the time to amuse us, Stephen - sleep is overrated, you're absolutely right!

Good to read you're alive and kicking too, Malibu, I was getting worried there for a while. And I'll send you my email address soon, although I'm tempted to ask Benny to ship the second issue to me instead of the first, if the second one has got more Corby content. On the other hand, the idea of witnessing a "peeled-penis-gearknob" (what-the-carnality?!) is tempting as well. Tempting, no doubt, until such time when I will have successfully created a mental picture of a peeled penis, and the means used to peel it, and the actual peeling process; on second thought, I think I'd prefer the second issue, Benny...

Oh and Benny, just tell the disallowing female that you used to buy SCI because of the articles on genetically modified soy beans or other African starvation related topics. Or hide them under your checkered golf pants - she won't come near THOSE, I guarantee you!

Thanks once more for the mossage, Stephen, and hope to read you again soon!