Thursday, July 24, 2008

Oh! My! God!

The title doesn't relate to anything contained within, I just thought it was catchy, and if it's good enough for the cover of issue 2 of Top Gear, then it's good enough for Malibu. (And I thought I used exclamation marks excessively!!!)

Subscriptions rock, fair dinkum. What a lovely surprise to find issue 2 in my letterbox this arvo, after a semi-nah-mostly-horrific-day. And I was informed when I subscribed that my subscription wouldn't kick in til next month.

So, while my kids are enthralled by Disney on Ice tomorrow (yaaaaaaaaawwwwwnn), I can sit with a torch and read to my hearts content. Yay!

But... hang on... where's my t-shirt???


Ben said...

I've got your t shirt Malibu. I'm wearing it in Melbourne and, although I havnt showered in two days, I've picked up three girls already.
Corby, you rock!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Lucky you, I'm still waiting for my first issue to arrive in Italy. Unless Benny, the master of inexistent links, has been taking the piss out of me, pretending to have sent me a copy...

In which case I hope the girls you managed to pick up weren't too expensive, Bens...

Malibu Stacey said...

That's okay, Benny, I'm a mother. I have a fully-stocked laundry, including an industrial sized box of Napisan. When you're done with it, would you mind sending it to me? I'm dying to wear it to work, coz they all think I'm seriously cool (even the 18 year old apprentices, I kid you not!), so I need the shirt to disillusion them...

And Annemarie, if Benny doesn't come through soon, I will make the supreme sacrifice & send you my last remaining copy of the first issue. It probably has smears of multicoloured slime (Grace learnt how to make it, oh, what fun it is having a budding scientist in the house), beer, bourbon, wine and possibly the odd dab of this weird attempt at Mexican food that I've been living on since learning that I'm gluten-intolerant.

Hey. The slime-making baby turns 10 today. And the doctor who delivered her, stop me if you heard this before... oh hang on, I went on about this in the blog, didn't I? Dumb Canberrans. How dare they attempt to imply that Dr Armellin is not a legend???

Hey, Corby - nice pic of CFC on page 194. He is still gorgeous.

And I love your work. 'No country for dry men' was brilliant. Loved it. And do not start me on Classic not Plastic (I know Piers someone wrote it, but I loved it anyway). Did I ever tell y'all I was Miss Dodge at the National American Car Convention? No? That's probably because I was embarrassed to admit it was held in Queanbeyan. And I only came 2nd. And it was 2 kids and umpteen-dozen kilos ago!

But what is this traditionally-masculine thing I have going on, that makes me so love old cars? And dream about, oh, let's say, a Dodge Charger worth $200,000. Don't know, I've just always dug the whole engine thing. Work experience at high school consisted of one dress shop (ugh!), one Honda dealership (back when it was just bikes) and one mechanic workshop. I so should've been a mechanic, but since our Careers Advisor committed suicide (I'm serious - threw himself off the Gap in Sydney), I never really felt that he guided us in the right way. (Is that a nice way of saying Mr Cornelius was fcuked up and a seriously wrong choice of Careers Adviser?)

And that comes from a chick who wears jeans, boots, heavy eyeliner and a black band t-shirt to work on some days, and a skirt, flowery top, lipstick and massive dangly earrings on other days. And I think Mr Cornelius was confused?

Okay. It's 1.08am, I'm supposed to be up at 7 to get us all off to Homebush to suffer through Disney on Ice (okay, I know it isn't that bad, but I'm a country girl who needs her personal space and I don't like crowds and I can't cope with 417000 screaming kids in one arena). But more importantly, the kids & I will hit the restaurant/bar/thingy at the base of our motel afterwards. We'll eat, I'll drink, and then watch the Bledisloe Cup fans wander home. Hmm. Will Dane wear his All-Blacks shirt? I'll pack it, but it depends how shit-stir-ish I feel, I guess. And it probably also depends on the result.

Hope y'all have a great weekend. I will. I've got Top Gear Australia to read. :)

(Oh, bugger, did I just put a smiley in there?)

Annemarie of Holland said...

The smears are okay, Maliby, given the kind of stains Benny promised to put on the copy he'd send me.

If you're very attached to your last remaining first issue, I could bring it to Melbourne in November and get it back to you that way, either in person if you can make it, or through KT. (That's right, Bens, still no Toppa Giira in sight around here. Where the heck did you mail the damn thing?!)
This is assuming other planes than Qantas-owned ones make it to Melbourne in one piece. I'll keep TG-OZ in my cabin luggage, just in case.

Ben said...

Oh now come on, what do u mean the mag hasn't arrived yet? I sent it to that address in BO Land you gave me. In a pretty postpak with a picture of the Opera House on it. Cost me a pretty penny to send, so if it doesn't show up I will be pissed.
My motto, we stain and deliver, is on shaky ground.

Annemarie of Holland said...

Bennybabybunnybrigitte! It arrived! It got here yesterday, only 700 light-years after you mailed it!

My guy got it from the mailbox late last night, grunted something like "whothehellisthisbenguy" but he never heared me explain that you're this 6'9" supermodel-turned-brain-surgeon from Australia with whom I engage in wild, wanton cybersex, because he immediately got absorbed by the maggo. It features the new Lamborghini model that he got to drive in Las Vegas a few months ago, which must have been a great experience, given that I became non-existent to him as soon as he laid eyes on the Lambo feature.

But thanks a million, again, and I'll see if I can think up some highly inexpert comments in time for the release of the second issue!

Ooh, aah, my word looks something like f*** it. Tsss.

Ben said...

You realise, young Annemarie, that now anybody who Googles 'wild, wanton cybersex', and then clicks 'I'm feeling lucky', is going to get sent directly to this page?
How could you be so careless??!!
My tissue box is less than half-full anyway, so it's over. Right?

Annemarie of Holland said...

Oh shaddup, you'd love that!

(Now hang on while I test that little google-theory here!)

Annemarie of Holland said...

Oh and ooh, aah, say that again please, "young Annemarie"... It's almost better than the time you called me "very, very cheeky"!

Ben said...

It's gonna take the Googlebot a couple of weeks to check this site out again. Then imagine the freaks you've attracted. Forget Filipino writers site, they're gonna come here. Literally!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Oh well, we'll see. In the mean time, I'm getting excellent results with the combination "easy moving Benny" "half-emtpy tissue box" and "vely, vely cheeky Filipino birdies"...