Monday, July 7, 2008

Late-birthday-present suggestion. (They say redheads look best in green!)

I'm sorry. I can't help myself. It's been hammered into my brain, courtesy of the Mudgee Guardian printing 'public' without the 'l', for most of my life. An ordinary garden variety typo leaps out at me. They jump off the page and poke my eyeballs and say 'see me? Now you've got no idea what you were reading, have you, because you've noticed 2 little letters that have been transposed and now you're all distracted'.

So, while I'm idly wondering what I'd bid for a bottle of Smells Like Ewen McGregor, remembering how I used to love wearing the bloke-du-jour's aftershave, the dreaded typo leapt out. And yes, poked my eyeballs.

When is the wesbite going to be up & running, anyway?


Ben said...

Hey Malibu they're pubes, get over it! I shave all of mine off or they won't let me work at the strip club.
I think a redhead would look good in any car. Daooommmmnnn.

Malibu Stacey said...

But Benny, there's only so many times you can read about the pubic school, or the pubic library, or the pubic park before you move on from a slightly-amused smile (depending on context) to eye-rolling.

And to give credit where credit is due, that one little typo is the only one I've found so far. One tiny transposition in the first issue of a - hang on, let me check - 242 page magazine is pretty impressive. Unlike the Mudgee Guardian, which is a hundred & something years old and usually has one little typo in every paragraph, if not every sentence.

Now you've made me all nostalgic for MOS. The blokes-hair-removal blog was classic. Damn the satanic telegraph for removing the archives! I'd kill to re-read it again now. Fahrenheit 451, anyone???

Anon said...

Who stole my magazine?!?!?!? I found it in teen daughters room!!!!! We can't wait for the next lol

Malibu Stacey said...

And I reckon you deserve a gold star for parenthood, Anon - you are obviously raising a daughter with style, taste & class. Well done!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Tsssk, Anon, I take it you had a stern talk with your daughter about the hazards of modern day driving: don't get into a car with just anyone, always use appropriate attire (seatbelt), the risk of disease (car sickness) - and how it's not about the size of the car but what you do with it..?!

Anon said...

Why thank you Malibu!! *takes a bow*. Annemarie no i didnt lecture, was too busy listenin to the excitement in daughters voice lol then she ran off to friends with MY magazine!!!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Well, as long as your son doesn't run off with the Ultimate Barbie Designer Clothing Catalogue, I guess there's nothing to worry about...

Anon said...

HAAAAAAAAA I near chocked on my coffee, too funny...Annemarie , No chance of son doing that, I never had the pleasure of having any boy bubs.

Anon said...

chocked???? well I obviously can't laugh, choke and type at same time.

Ben said...

Well thats it. I shaved but got sacked any way. Apparently my pole routine wasn't convincing enough! Hah!
So with my time off, I took a proper look at Top Gear, the magazine. I thought it was pretty good, not like FHM at all. Lots and lots of words, and lots of pictures too.
It always annoys me how car and truck magazines fill up their pages with enormous photos of cars, cropped the background out completely, and then blown up said photo to fill the pages. You lose all perspective of what you're looking at.
But TG has a nice balance of good-sized pictures, and plenty for car lovers to read. I'm sure it will get even better when the Aussie producers are contributing.