Monday, July 28, 2008

Issue 2 rocks!

I love it. 9.25 outta 10.

Page after page after page of great reading, drool-inducing pics, the Classic not Plastic features that seem written purely to make me yearn, some funny stuff (I can't WAIT to show my stepdad how to backflip a truck - think he'll let me borrow the new Iveco to try it?), and now I finally understand just what's going on with Mark Webber.

And the Repco ad (above) made me laugh. When I first turned the page, I thought,"oh, god, not a bloody anti-domestic violence ad to bring the mood down". Not that I have a problem with anti-domestic violence ads, but I was happily flipping through Issue 2 for the first time, and didn't need, um, reminders.
UPDATE: The caption is hard to read, sorry - the tear-streaked woman is thinking, "He told me I had to put on 12kg to offset the corner-balancing." And the text across the bottom of the page reads, "Good news, all you Stig wannabes - is now online. Our sincerest condolences to your better halves." I like it.


Ben said...

I like driving slow. And if I put on another 12 kg I'd be 110kg and clinicly obese.

Annemarie of Holland said...
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Annemarie of Holland said...

Ah, that's my golf boy speaking: excess flesh living life in the caddie cart lane!

Ben said...

Annemarie, do you know any nice French women?

Annemarie of Holland said...

Yes, I do, but she's married, and so is her mother.

Annemarie of Holland said...

Why, if you're looking for someone to give the ultimate love token to (= Australian citizenship), I'll readily make myself available! Or does your question have anything to do with Sonny Bill hiking off to the old world?

Ben said...

No, SBW is an idiot. I met a lovely French woman in Melbourne the other day,and wonder if what I should be looking for is a French girl in Australia (Frencho?).
If you meet any unmarried ones, tall, slim, oh so very stylish, you're welcome to send them my way.

Oh dear, Annemarie, I fear we may have hijacked this blog again. What's the topic again? Would you like an Issue 2 Rock sent in the direction of Italia?

Annemarie of Holland said...

Okay, I'll shop around for a French chick, although "tall" is going to be difficult with most of them. What's the minimum length you're looking for?
My host sister from Finland lives in Paris, this will give me a great excuse to abuse her hospitality once again ("Can I come and visit you? I've got to score a bride for an Aussie male.").

Bens, if we've hijacked this blog, it's only because the others let us, because THEY DON'T EXACTLY CONTRIBUTE LIKE BLOOD DONORS AFTER AN EARTHQUAKE, DO THEY?!

And ah, Benny, would you do that for me, fling the second issue of TG-OZ in the general direction of Italy? That would be luvvaly! If you even write my address on the envelope, I promise to send you a fat bucket of money once I set foot on Australian soil in November. Or you can collect your dollars (and your French bride, if yue're likky) in the Melbourne pub where KT and I will be toasting to life, hopefully in the presence of the lovely Malibu!

Ben said...

Oh yeah, Miss Annemarie, you are so right. I totally agree. Issue Two is on da way, yo.
And don't worry bout the French chick thing, I'm just kidding. I think I've been single for so long now, I couldn't make allowances for someone else in my life.
Pub in Melbourne come November sounds like a plan, though. November is far and away my busiest month, so I'll be in sunny Melbun quite a bit. Won't know dates till September though, see what happens. . . .

Annemarie of Holland said...

WHAT?! You're JUST KIDDING?! You? Kidding ME?! What the expletive?!

Ben, I think I sort of knew that you were kidding - call me psychic, call it female intuition.

Would love to see you in Melbourne too though, no kidding. If you start your caddie cart now, you might just make it in time!

And as for the 2nd issue: Malibu was right, you must hide a good bloke down there, somewhere...

Ben said...

Very very cheeky, you are Annemarie.
I'm a Gemini, so sometime you get the nice guy, sometimes the evil twin.
Between now and start of November I will travel between Sydney and Melbun 9 times. I plan to do 4 more trips during Nov, so maybe the dates will work out.
KT, by chance if you read this, r u still commuting to sunny Melbun too?

Ben said...

I wasn't really kidding 'bout the French grrrrls either, although I'm not sure how you'd fit the tall ones into your luggage. Fit, did I mention fit??

Oooops, Malibu we've hit double digits. Another topic, please.

VB Misser said...

Issue 2??? Issue ??? Sheesh. I have only just got the first edition and I feel totally behind the times. However. I loved it. Me, who has lost her licence. Like, literally lost it. Got it when 18, never used it, and somewhere along the line just lost it (though it would I suppose be totally out of date now anyway). And didn't even notice it'd gone it til recently when needed some photo ID at a post office. That is the kind of motoring petrol head that we're talking about here with me.

And the other thing is, I can't stand Top Gear ie the programme.

And the other thing is, on page 135 somebody (Corby, your dabs are all over this one) has printed in the middle of a story about a BMW a disparaging remark about Big Brother.

But it's a great, great, great read. And I reckon that the fact that I, of all people, can get stuck into it just proves how good the writing must be. It's very funny, and even dare I say it, interesting. Not enough Corby copy for my liking, of course, but that's the first "letter from the editor" sort of thing in a magazine that has ever been remotely readable in the history of publishing. My god, some of the things they write in women's mags... However, this actually made me laugh (Through Work, Freedom) ( god, it actually made me laugh about NAZIS) and made me want to keep reading.

It is a miracle.

And then Clarkson. It turns out he is as funny as you all kept insisting he was. Dammit. God, and so after reading his column I found myself surfing through the dozen or so channels here devoted purely to TG repeats, and instead of closing my eyes I stopped on one. And Clarkson was talking to a retired lieutenant admiral type in front of the studio crowd about how fast he'd driven a car, and would his time be faster than Simon Cowell's. And I felt my first-ever interest in cars: PLEASE let him be faster than Simon Cowell. So had to keep watching. And I noticed how the studio audience remind me of the good old days of Countdown, when the audience used to stand just like that (except here there was less waving of arms above the head). And it felt good.

And then there was a bit where Hammond and May (look at me and my technical TG speak!) were on some Remote Scottish Ilsand testing out a mini cabriolet (ha!) and Hammond said: "The thing is, only sheep can see us, and I'm STILL embarrassed." I laugh out loud.

I have become a TG fan. Thanks to TG Australia. Thanks to MOS. THANKS!

Ben said...

vb misser, I agree with you, although I love the tv show as much as the aussie mag.
Was toodling around on youtube last night, and noticed that some of the episodes are available to watch there. Pretty sure I watched one that hasn't aired yet on Aussie tv.

Ben said...

The Stig is Benny !
Well Ben Collins to be exact.

Annemarie of Holland said...

Thanks for your contribution, VB; I’m really looking forward to the weekend now and to finally scrutinizing the first issue of TG-OZ! I realize that the rest of you have already absorbed the second one and are nail-bitingly waiting for number three (except Malibu, who’s sporting some real backscratchers now, if her solomum-blog is anything to go by) but hey, I’m a late developer. I was still playing records when the rest of the world was getting bored with feeding six new cd’s at a time in the cd-changer, which is why they developed mp3. (Tick the correct option: does Annemarie own an iPod (or even know if that’s the way to spell it)? □ No □ No.)

Scrutinizing Top Gear will be an excellent pastime this weekend, as the house has been taken over by friends from Finland – four adults and two children, aged 2 and 3 – and if you roll it up, TP has just the right weight-balance ratio to leave nice little Lewis Hamilton transfers on the kiddies’ sun-kissed baby buttocks – provided none of the adults are watching, naturally; wouldn’t want to dent my reputation for being the most tolerant human being on earth. (That’s male cow excrement, of course: I’m as tolerant of children as Osama bin L. is of tall-standing buildings and big apples. But I’m a much better actor than he is.)

Anyway, given the household items that have demised in the careful hands of two toddlers, who roam about the living room in the comfortable knowledge that they only have eight eyes, or approximately four per toddler, supervising them, my guess is I will find both the cause and the opportunity to wave the First Aussie Issue around and claim I was aiming for flies.

I must admit I have been circling TG-1 somewhat warily because of this Clarkson guy – who I have never come across before in life but who everyone is so complimentary about that I naturally assume he must be a jerk. However, now that I’ve started reading on page 40, and in the knowledge that I’ve always really hit it off with every single Briton I’ve ever met, and backed up by VB’s verdict on the first issue, I’m more inclined to continue reading this weekend. Because it’s starting to look like TP-OZ is capable of the unthinkable: getting a person who does not, in all sincerity, give a crap about cars, to withdraw from civilization with a purebred car magazine and emerge totally enthusiastic and excited all over, triumphantly holding a worn out copy of the First Aussie Issue, as well as a bunch of dead flies and the occasional toddler…

Annemarie of Holland said...

And do not ask my why I keep referring to Top Gear as 'TP' instead of 'TG', for I do not know. Blonde in every conceivable way, once again, I guess.