Friday, May 23, 2008

For your entertainment, I present...

... a post that has nothing to do with me.

I found this while I was trawling through the MOS archives earlier. And I thought it was interesting, considering where the Corbster is going, and the fact that he wrote it nearly 2 years ago. Maybe those who haven't been hanging around MOS since day 1 haven't seen it yet.

(Oh, dear. I've used 'I' 3 times already. My insincere apologies to the blue one, who is convinced that I'm some sort of anarchic literary terrorist, plotting to overtake the world of male blogging. Yawn.)


Ben said...

Malibu you have no involvement other than posting the topic, moderating it, having your name in the title of said blog topic, and being 20 per cent of the comments posted on the archive.
Gotta like ya though Malibu, full marks for trying, darl.

Malibu Stacey said...

I've typed a whole long vitriolic response, but we all know now that Benny gets off on me arcing up at his comments.

How about I just leave it at this....

I post the topic because no-one else has suggested a topic.

I don't moderate. I deliberately chose the 'no moderation' option, because this is a transitional vehicle... I'm just trying to give the regulars a point of convergence or something like that, so we can hang around and find Corbys new blog when it starts.

My name is not in the title or the topic - if my other blog is linked somehow, it's accidental due to the single email address.

I reply to everyone who comments here because I don't want them to feel like they're talking to cyberspace and no-one is listening.

Now you can do your pathetic 'but I was only joking!' thing here. But frankly, Benny, it's no wonder you're single.

And don't you EVER call me darl again.

Anon said...

Somehow I have the feeling people read but dont take in what's being said?

Ben said...

Ohhh young Malibu, you're hate-filled reply says more about you than it does about me. And you're asking if I am single? R u hitting on me? Gasp.

Annemarie of Holland said...

So I'm blonde. So I was constantly being redirected to the very first beer infested blog written by Da Malibu and so I kept thinking: is anyone else going to get involved in the MOS-missers thing EVER, dammit?!
So then it turns out there's a million more topics by the lovely Malibu, and post by my ol' time fave Benny, among quite a few others.

So I'm blonde and somewhat not entirely sober. So what. I've found you guys and I'll be with you soon, again, as soon as I've finished this bottle and prepared the dogs' food. Note to self: do not mix dogs' food with this bottle. Or its contents.

And Malibu, you're excellent with the virtual pen and so moderate and/or topic all you like - I'll read it and add my stupid blonde comments. As soon as I'm sober again, anyway.

Bye guys, sees ya later!