Saturday, May 10, 2008

So, here we are...

Thought I'd start off with something familiar, so you know you're in the right place!

Um. Well. Yep. Insert tuneless whistling here. Does anyone else hear crickets???

What's the verdict on the background? It's the blokiest one I could find. There's brazillions of girly ones (my personal blog has a pinkish abstract-butterfly thing going on), but the blokey ones are few & far between.

Happy Mothers Day to Ike (if she's still reading), Anon and ddeebb (I think you both are mums... not 100% sure, now that I think about it), and any other regulars I've forgotten. And Mrs MOS of course, and Mother-of-MOS too. And to me. (Note to self: teach Grace to stir the coffee before next May, so I don't have a mug of unsweetened coffee followed by a coffee-flavoured-syrup shot at the last mouthful.)


Anon said...

Happy Mothers Day to you too Malibu.. and all the other mothers. Had a fantastic time up at Sydney with my mother and eldest daughter then back home for Sunday with youngest. Wonder why Stephen was tryin to see if there was any resemblance with the other Corbys? The page looks blokey enough to me !! Not sure how to use this but I think I'm past first base. A shame the xpt doesn't go thru Mudgee Malibu. Bedtime..

Malibu Stacey said...

Thanx, Anon. Glad you had a good one.

Annemarie of Holland said...

Hi Malibu,

Thought I'd help you get on the way with the MOS-missers blog. By the way, that name is weird to me because missers means failures in Dutch, so it feels like I'm about to get access to wacky blogs by The Corby himself that he tried hard to keep in the closet. That is very enticing, actually. D'you think we can talk him into it?!

Oh well, 9.24 am, must get to work now. Read you later!

Malibu Stacey said...

I like the way you think, Annemarie. Getting Corby to share stuff that he wouldn't/couldn't/shouldn't put in the paper. I reckon he should at least share one blog idea that didn't make it past the editor. Hear that, Corbster???

Annemarie of Holland said...

I’m thinking he would prefer a blog entitled “How I set up my sister/niece/ex-wife Shapelle in such a way as to successfully get rid of her forever, including any next lives” to remain hidden wherever he keeps it hidden. (If it doesn’t exist, I’ll volunteer to write it for him, as punishment for him quitting MOS.) Also, I’m still looking forward to seeing the pictures accompanying “A Metrosexual Male Skydiving Nude In The Arms Of A Real Stud”.

Malibu Stacey said...

"How I setup my ex-wife Schapelle'... Ha. Love it!

What's your story, Annemarie? Tell us a bit about yourself. You've been admirably restrained on MOS, unlike some of us who share every detail of their tedious lives. Well, unlike ME sharing every detail of MY tedious life. :)

Annemarie of Holland said...

My story? Oh dear. Well, contrary to popular internet practice my name really is Annemarie; I really am female and really am of Dutch descent. I’m 39 (insert your “but I (should) feel/look/act much younger” here). I’m currently residing in Northern Italy, because as a translator who can work anywhere as long as there’s a socket and internet access, I’m pretty much confined to living wherever it is my partner gets sent by his employer. (Mind you, finding a socket and internet access in Italy has been a true challenge.)
What else? Two dogs, one cat, one boyfriend. No kids, for lack of maternal instinct gland (see MOS High Way to Hell-blog last week).
For the rest of it, I admit to feeling close affinity with Benny, what with hating people and the world at large, although I’m probably not as nasty as he is, thanks to a decent Catholic upbringing and the do-unto-others policy snugly bashed into my skull as a result. Also, I’m considerably less heavy than he is, albeit just as prone to mild alcohol abuse.

So much for now, must get to work. Read you later!

Malibu Stacey said...

Wow. I must confess, for some reason, I thought you were an expatriate Aussie. We're very pleased to make your acquaintance, AM.

(And I promise to not ramble about my kids. I save that for my own blog, and I apologise when I do it - is there anything more insufferable than a blog filled with photos of a kid doing stuff that all kids do? And written from their point of view? 'Here I am in mummy's tummy when I was a 10 week old foetus'. 'Here I am having my first breastfeed.' Blerch. Insert spewing here.)

Now, let's get serious here about the 2nd annual UnMOS drinks. Anon... can you come? Ddeebb? You're a country girl too, aren't ya? I've got the dull family dinner on the Saturday evening (coz it coincides with my 40th birthday), but the fabulous KT & her mate Kyles are coming up, they are great chicks, fun personified, and we're going to party til we puke. Still unsure about Sundays plans - maybe a winery tour if I can find a designated driver (who isn't my mother!), if not, maybe just a barbie in the backyard.

Hey, Duke, you are personally invited too.

Anon said...

Im really not sure Malibu, if I had ur email Id explain fully as you know by now I'm a fairly private person.. but... in the meantime I shall check out the bus situation etc. How do I give you my email addy without the whole world reading it too? Oh and you have another blog Malibu, where? And, if you didnt ramble on I would wonder what was wrong .lol Nice to meet you Annemarie. Sounds like you would have a very interesting life!!

Malibu Stacey said...

Anon, I shall ask the fabulous Mr Corby to pass my email address onto you. I did set up another email address and put it on MOS when I was trying to get blog drinks arranged, but it's expired and I'm too lazy to do it again.

My other blog is But it's dull. As I said on MOS, when I didn't have a blog I wanted to rave about 741 different topics every day. Now that I have one, I dredge my brain trying to come up with something, and it's usually drop-dead-boring!

On the second-last topic, whatever it was, there's 3 comments - the 3rd chick, Maria, writes a blog that has me fascinated. She and her female partner are raising a daughter somewhere in the US, and she has a very easy, readable style, and an interesting life. I have wasted so much time surfing and reading other people's blogs (hence the hatred of people who post 42 pics of their child... every single day). There's maybe half a dozen that I've favourited. One day I'll figure out how to link to them, so people who visit me can click on theirs.

Yeah, and one day I'll remember to make hairdressers appointments that are desperately overdue, and one day I'll finish unpacking from our move 2 months ago. (Probably that day will be when I don't have an internet connection. Ha.)

ddeebb said...

Hey malibu..what do you know?!! I'm blogging!! (I only check my emails and read the paper and ebay...I don't actually do anything else with the net)

I have just realised we are nearly forty, you, me and annemarie....
Oh well you can't stay seventeen forever can you? I mean, can you?, cause it would be pretty cool!!

I started reading MOS a fair while back when Joe Hilderbrand started covering politics...God, it/he was so boring!!!
Then I found Stephen and I haven't looked he's leaving us I guess I don't know what I'll do, but I'll keep in touch thru here ok?

I don't travel much so if you could have a drink for me at your party I'd be very happy.

(Have you heard what he's going to be doing?)

Till next week

Annemarie of Holland said...

Just testing this stupid identity thing!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Damn, the last one went through. Maybe I've found the secret, finally, but let's see if the next one works too.

Anyway, hi ddeebb, nice to see a "new" face on this blog, finally! And thanks for reminding us of how we're almost 40 and not 17... I can make that sound worse: we're old enough to have KIDS aged 17! I think I'll lie down and gasp for breath now...

Nevertheless, I wouldn't swap being almost 40 for being 17, would you? I'm enjoying life at almost 40 (stress almost), especially the part where you earn enough money to travel around, and where you can find a puppy and decide to keep it without having to ask your parents. (No pun intended, Malibu, it's how we got our second dog, found it on the street in Portugal when we lived there.)

Ah, 40. It'll be a while still 'til my birthday, until then I'll party like I'm 39! Read you girls later!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Checking again

Annemarie of Holland said...

Okay, so e-mail address = username, it has been confirmed after a lot of thorough testing.

Now let's rock!

Oh, and somebody keep me updated on Top Gear blogs by the immortal Mr. Corby. It'd be tedious to have to wait for the actual magazine to arrive from Oz...