Saturday, May 31, 2008

Stephen says...

Oh, the other slight blow was that I only found out for sure that I didn't get the Top Gear TV gig a couple of days before getting sacked*.

I was actually given a screen test and interview, which means I made the final 20 in the country.

And for months they've been telling me I was still in the running and that I could potentially do both, the mag and the show.

Just gutting. Not a great week.

* Malibu says: I think 'sacked' is journo-speak for getting back-stabbed by a preschooler suffering hair-envy. Or talent envy. Take your pick.


the rodster said...

I think it is disgusting that you couldn't leave in the manner that you wanted to. I have seen this happen in big corporations where someone has been removed from the building by security and not given the chance to even say goodbye to colleagues or friends, but told to pack their things up and leave the building. You were right about management, Stephen. We just can't take them on and expect to win. I blogged on Thursday to the Daily Telegraph website and your blog page was gone. At least you have somewhere to head straight to.

Anon said...

Is Monster Betty Blue? Just a random thought.

Annemarie of Holland said...


Wicked me is really starting to wonder what it was you said/wrote that set upstairs on fire to the point where they just opened the window and dropped you. Did you suggest they get collective colonic irrigation – through their nostrils?

Funny how this Monty, er, object is involved; a while ago I was grubbing about in the Daily Telegraph for another blog to meddle in once MOS would be RIP, and I came across something called Garth Montgomery. Now normally if I encounter an individual so badly combed that you can see actual stench rays emerge from the computer, I’m all eyes for the content of their blog, because obviously the hours made available by not spending time on personal appearance MUST have been used for putting brilliant philosophical thoughts into precious jewels of virtual eloquence. Also anyone who doesn’t mind being pictured like that must have a sense of humour, somewhere.
Anyway, eyed the blog, laughed a grand total of zero times (and I am easily amused), forgot the topic as I read along and couldn’t help noticing a Big Brother count in the sideline. Eventually I leaned back with the increasingly alarming feeling that finding replacement for MOS may not be so easy after all.

But ah, praise the lovely Malibu for foresight, providence and visionariness in setting up MOS Missers, and for magnanimously accepting the rodster’s offer to inform her of the availability of Corby’s e-mail address, or whatever, so that the legend may live on! Keep dropping in those lines, Stephen!

ddeebb said...

I read in the paper that Warren Brown the cartoonist is going to be topgear host. How disappointing. When he fails Stephen, you can bail out the show. If not, then I too will buy the magazine to show my support.

ddeebb said...

I can't stand Monty...he is a total eric the eel!!!

VB Misser said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Malibu Stacey said...

LMAO! "I can't stand Monty...he is a total eric the eel!!!"

That's classic, ddeebb. Thanx for my first coffee-spluttering-all-over-the-keyboard laugh of the day.

And I must also say that my little black heart is warmed by all your expressions of appreciation for setting this up. Thanx.

28 sleeps to go.

VB Misser said...

God that looks sinister now. Did not mean to so mysteriously Remove My Comment. I cannot believe they stopped the collection for Corby's farewell gift. And especially annoying that he missed the hosting gig by such a thin THAT would have shown 'em. Sigh. At least it will now become not just something we want to do but an actual real matter of honour that we the righteous buy the Top Gear mag. A badge of our solidarity and outrage, plus a good read.

Anon said...

wonderful writeup annemarie and yes VB I am sooooo wondering what you really put in but removed lol.

Malibu Stacey said...

Oh, boy - that's a relief. I spent far too much time yesterday imagining that the deleted comment was from a garden gnome, squeaking 'you'll be hearing from my lawyer'. Thanx for confessing, VB-M, you've taken a weight off my mind.

Speaking of Eric the Eel (as we were a couple of days ago), isn't it funny that the trolls haven't followed us here? I fully expected them to go beresk (sic), as there's no moderator to keep them in line. Hmm. Not much attention-getting to be had in a small unknown blog, I guess.

VB Misser said...

Sorry to freak you out Malibu - and sorry to disappoint, Anon - but had not previewed original comment and when it was up it just looked dumb to me so I took it down. No intrigues!

I am getting worried about the Top Gear mag thing. Stupid ACP subscription website does not yet have the mag listed and they've totally ignored my email to customer enquiries about how to sign up. So if I end up missing out on the first edition I am relying on you guys to give me a FULL rundown on it.

And yes, isn't it nice to be free of Eric the Eel (BOTH of them, aah ddeebb, classic). Shame we seem to have lost eg K of Tokyo and others though... they might have forgotten what this site was going to be called, thinking they had a couple more days of official MOS to make note of such things...

Hey Malibu, how's the new place going? I think you were moving next door the same time I moved up the hill here in London. I did my first DIY over the weekend - bought a full-length mirror and managed to fix it to the side of the wardrobe, straight as straight can be. I am so proud.

Malibu Stacey said...

VB-M, don't worry. We'll keep you informed about TG magazine. And the editor should have a blog (if he knows what's good for him), so hopefully we'll again have a happy hunting ground to meet up at. (Yes, I know that's bad grammar, but I'm tired & I've had a whole heap of wine tonight. Cooks Lot Rose. Yummy, but deadly. And I've still got to type the school council meeting minutes. Oh dear.)

Speaking (as you did) of losing K of T and others, I just did a quick google experiment. 'MOS' just brings up unrelated crap. 'MOS Corby' brings up the famous hair-spray-stuff video on Youtube, but there is nothing else. I might whack this blog address on the Youtube page, just in case someone, somewhere, is desperately trying to reconnect.

The new place is going pretty well, VB-M, but I wish spring would hurry up and arrive. Yes, I know winter just started. But I have some weird plant-and-garden obsession kicking in at the moment, probably because my capsicum-grown-from-a-seed-which-was-shoved-in-a-pot has grown a capsicum! Stupid thing. Doesn't it know that it's the 3rd day of winter? Apparently not. So now I've got this miniature capsicum that I talk to daily, and I fear it won't grow any more in the next 4 months or so.

My DIY-ing has been pretty tame compared to yours. I've hung some hanging pots on the front veranda (there's that plant obsession again). I've made some drastic curtain changes. I've come to an amicable agreement with the possum who scampers around inside the house (and I mean inside - inside the walls & the ceiling). I moved the garbage bin from the front bloody door (yuk), filled the space with plants (told ya I was obsessed), and have now successfully enticed the visiting magpies into sitting on the veranda railing to be handfed, only for them to sh... er, poo all over my nice new outdoor table & chairs.

I need to do the mirror thing, though. My son & I kinda swapped wardrobes, so now he has the clean clear full-length mirror, just right for checking where the top of your boots are in relation to your skirt hemline... and I have one covered with Spiderman, King Kong, Superman, and dinosaur stickers. I'm not joking. I might even put a photo on my blog just to prove it.

Just wait til some bloke gets an eyeful of that, eh? I have no idea why I'm single. Ha.

PS: What do you do, VB-M? I'm a sticky-beak, I know.

Bloody hell, this is long. I shoulda made it a post instead of a comment. Oh well.

Anon said...

Haaaaa I had forgotten all about MOS Corby and the hair-spray-stuff video on Youtube. I now have it on my pc, just in case it gets removed. Thank you Malibu !!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Let's hope Eric the Eel and related cold-blooded animals that are more easily digestible skinned and smoked do not google for "MOS missers", because that would lead them straight to this blog...

VB Misser said...

Ah, a wardrobe with stickers all over it. I am quite jealous actually. Don't seem to have many stickers in my life these days. Remember the glorious era of the scratch'n'sniff? A single little sticker of a strawberry packed the punch of a whole Lush shop. It was horrible. But I could never get enough of them.

As to what I do, I actually work for a newspaper in London but very much behind the scenes work not as a reporter. No bylines or blogs for me.

Anyway I am off on holiday for two weeks on Saturday (Paris, yay, FRESH FOOD!) so probably no computer access - but I trust there will be lots more dramas and intrigues to read about here when I get back.

By the way, does anyone else find they have to strain their brain to read the "word verification" thing here? Is it trying to make us understand what it's like to be dyslexic?

VB Misser said...

MOS ALERT!!! The tragic tale of Corby's treatment is in the Media section of The Australian today - lead item in Amanda Meade's Diary. Online access via Media section's homepage...Corby's famous!

Anon said...

Thak you VB Misser re Famous Corby in the Australian. lol.Are we all becoming the Corby Cult? If you turn your head slightly sidewards it seems easier to read the verification haaaaa. A Friends daughter lives and works in London, have no idea what newspaper though. She lived in WA.

the rodster said...

STEPHEN Corby wrote about men's issues and motoring for Sydney's The Sunday Telegraph, as well as posting on his blog amusing tales about being a modern man.

Last Saturday was to be his final shift at the ST as he had taken a job as a journalist on Top Gear magazine. But the end of his career came a little earlier as a result of a post about colonic irrigation. "The massive mincer of a man I am fortunate enough to sit next to at work, for at least another week, is often full of interesting, unpublishable anecdotes, but this week he really excelled himself, wobbling in like someone with eggshells in his shoes and announcing that he'd just been for colonic irrigation," Corby wrote. "It's a wonderful term, isn't it? Because it sounds medical somehow, perhaps even beneficial, when what it should be called is Getting a Bum Rush and Paying For It."

The colleague to whom Corby referred was unfazed by the story, but it was in responding to a reader's comment that Corby got himself in trouble. He referred to an online executive as a "talentless twerp". Soon after the comment was discovered Corby was marched into human resources, sacked and told to leave the building immediately, as he had broken company policy.

This was on The Australian website. Will Amanda get sacked too?

Garth Montgomery must have no soul or conscience.

Annemarie of Holland said...

Don't you hate it how people can't handle the truth? I mean, by any standard you HAVE to be a talentless twerp if you can manage to sit through each and every single episode of Big Brother (the worst Dutch invention since apartheid) and write about it too! Nobody with real writing skills would want to waste his ink week after week on this program.

As for the word verification thing, VB: the idea is that if you see those letters in a perfectly straight line, you're too drunk to make a meaningful contribution to this blog. Maybe that's why the Eel hasn't wriggled his way to these pages yet.

Malibu Stacey said...

Ha. Love the word verification explanation, Annemarie. (Note to self: if you've had enough wine to read it clearly, you're too pissed to be posting, Malibu!)

I was amazed at the Amanda whatshername Diary thing. (And many thanx to VB-M & the Rodster for bringing it to our attention.)

Does this Amanda chick have a deathwish? Does she want Montymort on her case, too? (Or does she have a better job to go to, like our Corbs?) But good on her for having the guts to tell the truth. I feel like emailing her and the powers-that-be at News Ltd and expressing my appreciation. I suspect it would fall on deaf ears at News, though.

It would have been nice if she'd ended it with something like, oh, I dunno... "dear talentless twerp, you are a *%&$wit, and now it's more widely known than ever before. Love, everyone who's ever known you."

The funny thing is, Annemarie, the last time I check Montymort's blog (and I must insist that was a long time ago, I was supremely bored, and was aimlessly surfing), he was too busy to watch Big Brother, so just opened it up to the commenters to report on it.

Now. Y'all know me by now. I'm generally a fan of a journo who lets someone (who drinks too much wine) ramble on aimlessly on their blog.

But seriously. This guy is the blog EDITOR? And his main drawcard is apparently a blog about BB? And he doesn't even feel the need to suffer through watching it??? (Or write in an articulate fashion, or make his own jokes, or dispense with those utterly ridiculous fake hair avatar/photo/wank pictures? Note to Montymort: you're still ugly. On the inside as well as the outside.)

Hell hath no fury like a pissed-off redhead. Now you can insert a mental image of aforementioned nasty redhead rubbing her hands together with glee. Think Cruella de Ville crossed with, um, Poison Ivy. Then add about 40 kilos. Ha.