Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's gone! Forever! Should I sing Auld Lang Syne, or something???

So, I've just checked MOS to see if there was a final farewell, or a vicious blog, or something... and it's blank. No archives, no nothing. Someone with an agenda ripped it all offline before the body was cold (unlike when Anita Quigley left, though I see she's finally disappeared from the list of bloggers today. And who is Pops McDonald? And more importantly, WHY is Pops McDonald?).

Oh well. Hope the Corbster is getting drunk as we speak. I hope the magazine hits the stands when it's due. And I hope it kicks butt.

I've been on every news site I can find that's had a report announcing the Australian Top Gear show hosts, commenting with something like 'yeah, I'll watch it and give it a chance, but what I'm really hanging out for is the new Aussie Top Gear magazine'. Someone did once promise me a position as circulation manager. Ha.

Watch the countdown, boys & girls. I will do my dutiful, um, duty as the self-appointed MOS-reunion-organiser, and try my best to keep you updated as to the progress of Top Gear mag.

"So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye
I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye." (To MOS anyway... the rest of ya ain't getting rid of me that easily.)


VB Misser said...

I know I know, such a shock! I thought I had at least a day or so to add fond farewells and thank various souls for happy memories. Instead it was suddenly just gone as if it never was. Thank god you set this up when you did.

Annemarie of Holland said...

Sob and mild shock. When I checked this morning (local time), I was redirected to MOS with a blog on the meanest thing a woman had ever done to the Corb, and it had 157 posts! I thought that was "rather strange" (mild understatement), and it did indeed turn out to be a blog from July 2007. There's only some oldies left, nothing of 2008.

I guess this is what it feels like when your loved when says he's going out to buy sigarettes and you don't see him again until 40 years later. Hopy Corby takes less time setting up a new blog!

Annemarie of Holland said...

Erase that. Six hours down the road there's only the photo accompanied by total emptiness. Somebody sure made a big deal about breaking the erasure record there!

Ah, but there's always MOS Missers. Maybe Corbs is decent enough to drop of a comment every once in a while...

ddeebb said...

I no longer want to read the telegraph web page! I am outraged , it's like he was erased.....

I hope he writes a funny and inspiring editorial in this new mag of his cause we are all going to miss him.

Malibu Stacey said...

I can only agree with y'all. We've been left bereft!

I know he worked for the Sunday Tele, and they are different 'arms' of News Ltd, but the Daily Tele has been my homepage for years. In my disgust, I am seriously considering changing it to the Sydney Morning Herald!

Nah, just joking. It's probably more likely to be changed to one of the many reports that George Clooney is single again. :)

I'm going to be doing some serious web-surfing to try & keep up on where the magazine is at. I know the Corbster is off to Germany for a while next month, just before the magazine is launched, so I don't expect he'll have the time to keep us up-to-date, but between Google & the British Top Gear site, I'm hoping to be able to keep track.

The British site mentions their magazine, and they've also announced the new presenters of Aussie Top Gear, so I'm hoping they'll mention our magazine when it kicks into gear (sorry, couldn't resist - feel free to groan).

Annemarie of Holland said...

Off to Germany, the Corbster? Let me know when and where, I'll track him down and make him blog about it!

the rodster said...

It was removed by the spiteful Garth Vader) Monty on Thursday. At least you can say goodbye to Stephen on this website. I had a feeling arsewipe Monty would do that. He was just looking for an excuse.